• Design/Build
    Design, Design Build, Engineering, Consulting
    and Construction Services (more..)

  • Energy Conservation Measures
    Electrical Power, Water, Green Technologies and Construction Solutions to make real differences
    in “Real World” applications.
  • Indoor Air Quality
    People are increasingly concerned about mold, radon, carbon monoxide and toxic chemicals in their Homes and
    buildings they work and should be.
  • Research & Development
    We dig into the real nuts and bolts of construction systems and mechanical components and new Green products, analyze, review and consider the installed results.
  • Project Management
    Whether single component systems or large scale projects we take a “Step by step Total Systems approach” to achieve maximum
    results with minimum investment.
Research & Development
We are constantly researching, evaluating and testing systems, components and even ideas
in the real world of green building and performance. If you would like to engage our expertise,
background and knowledge base for new products or see what we have found out about others
please feel free to contact us.

“Sorting through the haze of the Green and Energy Efficient mist,
To find out what REALLY WORKS!”
I. Product Research

The research we have done throughout the past on the many Green & Energy Efficient products
and Systems will soon be available on line for reviews, until that time, please contact us to
discuss them

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